
SMILE JAPAN 2nd Market Report: 14th May

Our 2nd charity market stall was on 14th May at The Backyard Market Brick Lane which is same place of the first one. We really appriciate to lots of artists who contributed their art works for us, we could have more cherish market stall on Saturday. And Kasumi Nakazato (illustrator) and Yoshitaka Iwamoto (artist) supported to our stall, we would like to say thank you! for them.

5月14日にSMILE JAPANの第二回目のマーケットストールを開催しました。
場所は第一回目と同じ場所Brick LaneにあるThe Backyard Marketです。

This time, a Japanese photographer Satoru Niwa brought to our market his printed pictures which he took at the several disastrous areas in Japan which suffered from tsunami and the explosion of nuclear power plant. The photos were filed to know the customers what was really going on in those areas. Some of the photos were truly shocking, however, in the end of the file, he put beautiful pictures of cherry blossoms from Shinjuku, Tokyo. It gave us the encouragement and the positive message at the same time.


Recently the weather in London is good but a bit chilly in most of the time. Also Brick Lane was quiet as it was not beautiful sunny and the foot ball match was held.
Despite we could not reach the last sales, we are really pleased many custumers came to our stall and contribute us with extra money.

最近のロンドンは日本の5月の気候と比べ物にならない涼しさ・・・むしろ寒く感じる日々です。昨日は天気も特に晴れることがなくそれに加えてサッカーの試合もあったようで、少し寂しいBrick Laneでした。前回の売り上げに届くことはできなかったものの、多くのお客様からご支援を頂くことができました。SMILE JAPANの活動はまだまだ続きます、応援よろしくお願い致します。

Many thanks!!


The 2nd Stall Sales & Donation Report

Thank you very much for all who visited our 2nd stall and who offered us a kind help! Here is the sales and the donation reports.

14th May 2011,
Backyard Market at Brick Lane
Total sales: £ 116.20

As this charity activity is organised by few illustrators with no supportive fund, we would like you to understand us taking the stall rental fee (£35) from the total sales.

Here is the calculation:
Total sales £116.20
− Stall rent £35
Total Donation £81.20

Due to the amount of money, this time we've decided to hold over our remittance until the next stall. I am willing to informing you as soon as we make it. Please keep your eyes on SMILE JAPAN!! Thank you!!



売上金:£ 116.20

SMILE JAPANは、3人のイラストレーターが資金ゼロから始めたチャリティー活動です。グループの運営費として、ストール使用料 (£35) のみを売上金からいただくことどうぞご了承ください。

 売上高 £2116.20
− ストール代 £35
募金額合計 £81.20

これからもSMILE JAPANの活動をどうぞよろしくお願いします!

西村夕貴/Yuki Nishimura

Contributor List

This page is introducing staff at the market, artists and also illustrators who contribute SMILE JAPAN.
SMILE JAPANチャリティーに協力して頂いた

SMILE JAPAN organisers/ SMILE JAPAN実行委員会メンバー:
Kazuko Morishita/ 森下和子  http://www.kazukomorishita.com/
Nanae Kawahara/ 河原奈苗  http://www.barbaratics.com/
Yuki Nishimura/ 西村夕貴  http://yukinishimura.com/

Paul /Staff at The Backyard Market

SMILE JAPAN Contributor List:

Paul Shinn (Illustrator)
Website: http://www.paulshinndraws.com/

Elli Chortara (Illustrator)
Website: http://ellichort.wordpress.com/

Sarojini Lewis (Artist)
Website: http://www.sarojinilewis.com
Blog: http://www.sarojinilewis.blogspot.com

Matthew Dale (Illustrator)
Blog: http://matthewdale.wordpress.com/

Ponga Huang (Illustrator)
Blog: http://pongahuang.blogspot.com/

Katsura Morisaki/ 森崎桂 (Artist)
Website: http://www.katsuramorisaki.com/

Play for Japan (Support of the Japan Earthquake Relief)
Website: http://www.playforjapan.com/

Arina Orlova (Illustrator)
Website: http://www.aryaorlova.com/

Liz Miller (Printmaking Artist)
Website: http://www.lizmillerprints.com/
Aine Cassidy (Illustrator/Designer)
Website: http://www.ainecassidy.com/

Li Jung Chen (Illustrator)
Blog: http://lijungchen.wordpress.com/

Lala Lee <aka. Ya-Fei, Li> (Illustrator/Graphic Designer)
Blog: http://lalaleelondon.blogspot.com/

Rong Sun (Graphic Entertainer)
Website: http://www.iamrong.com/

Paul Giles (Artist/Illustrator/Designer)
Website: http://pfg84.com/

Hiroko Marutani (Japanese Calligrapher)

Satoru Niwa (Photographer)
Website: http://www.satoruniwa.com/

Seiko Kato/ 加藤聖子 (Illustrator/Artist)
Website: http://www.seikokato.com/

Kasumi Nakazato/ 中里香澄 (Illustrator/Designer)
Website: http://kasuminakazato.com/

Yoshitaka Iwamoto/ 岩本吉隆 (Artist) & his granny!!
Website: http://yoshi-iwamoto.com

We helped other charity art groups which are:
ART FOR JAPAN: http://artforjapanmillco.blogspot.com/
EGAKU: Draw For Japan http://www.egaku.org.uk/


Second Charity Market

Our SECOND CHARITY EVENT is coming up!
Here is the event details.

Saturday 14th May 2011
11am to 6pm
at the Backyard Market Brick Lane
Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=ja&biw=989&bih=647&q=backyard%20market&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

At the same venue and on Saturday at the same opening time as the 1st stall we had in March, and we like this routine! However, our stall this time will be more upgraded by the new contributors' works. We will be able to sell a lot more prints and some crafts by the UK based fresh artists as well as the postcard collections, and also SMILE JAPAN members have topped up a couple of new works. Products at the stall will be priced friendly as usual.

We really appreciate those artists who offered us a help, thank you so much. We will try hard to make the most of it.

Japan is still under the difficult condition not only because of the nuclear power plant but also with the different factors caused by this disaster. It is important to keep our eyes on and keep our long-term activities.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Hope it'll be sunny like today!


第二回SMILE JAPANチャリティーマーケット開催のお知らせです!

The Backyard Market Brick Lane

継続の意味も込めて、3月に行った場所・時間・曜日とも同じです。でも今回は、前回からさらに多くのアーティストたちがSMILE JAPANに作品を提供してくださり、ストールはもっと賑わうこと間違い無しです!ポストカードに加え、プリント多数、クラフト等、そして主催者によるちょっとした新作、と商品の幅も広がっています。前回同様、お求めやすい価格で販売する予定なので、どうぞお気軽にお越し下さい。

作品を貢献してくださったアーティストの方々、本当にありがとうございます。それらをできるだけ生かせるよう尽力していきたいと思います。これからもSMILE JAPANをどうぞよろしくお願いします。


written by Yuki N