
1st Stall Sales & Donation Report

Here is the report of the sales and the donation details from our 1st charity stall.

26th March 2011,
Backyard Market at Brick Lane
Total sales: £ 293.57

All the proceeds will be donated to "Tohoku Earthquake Relief Fund" by Japan Society. Please be patient a little bit more, we would like to report you here as soon as the donation is made.

As this small charity activity is organised by only 3 illustrators with no supportive fund, it seems to be essential for us to take at least the stall rental fee. This time We paid £35 for Saturday stall at The Backyard Market from the total sales.

Here is the calculation:

Total sales £293.57
− Stall rent £35
Total Donation £258.57

This time, we decided to donate to the earthquake relief fund by Embassy of Japan in the UK, while Japan Society is still under consideration.

Here is our first donation receipt. Please have a look as the proof.

Thank you so much, we are honestly impressed by all your kindness that brought this great amount of sales. Please keep your eyes on the upcoming activities of SMILE JAPAN!



売上金:£ 293.57


運営費の報告です。SMILE JAPANは、3人のイラストレーターが資金ゼロから始めたチャリティー活動です。これから長期的に活動を続けていく上で、いろいろと考慮した結果、毎回ストール使用料のみを売上金からいただくことを決断いたしました。つまり今回は、土曜日のバックヤードマーケットにおけるストール代£35を、売上から支払わせて戴きました。


 売上高 £293.57
− ストール代 £35
募金額合計 £258.57

今回は在英国大使館による義援金へ寄付させて頂くことに決めました。上記のJapan Societyもこれからの募金先として考慮に入れています。


SMILE JAPAN初のストールでしたが、みなさまのおかげでこんなにたくさんの義援金を生むことができました。メンバー一同、心から感謝しています。これからも活動を続けていきたいと思いますので、どうぞよろしくお願いします!

Written by Yuki / レポート: 西村夕貴


Our 1st charity stall Report on 26th March

Our first charity market was set up at the Backyard Market in Brick Lane.

Each of us experienced some art stalls to sell own work but it was the first time for 3 of us to set up a charity stall like this. It was only one week preparation, and it has been very intense... we had been discussed almost every day. Lots of work have done so first because of the each member's hard work... making logo, setting up blog, facebook, e-mailing, making and giving away fliers, a sign board etc etc etc..


Actually, the result was more than we expected.. Many people were interested in what we tried to do and they stopped by our stall. More than 100 cards and prints were sold in total, also some people just left us extra money for the donation. Many artists came along with their lovely work as well. We were impressed many people shows their respect for this project, and at the same time, we appreciated their warm heart...


Our contributors' name will be on the list with the link to their website.

Also we will continue the SMILE JAPAN project. If anyone who wants to donate original artwork (cards, prints, hand-made goods etc) in future, please contact us!



Thank you very much!!

(Written by Kazu  レポート:森下和子)


it's running to our FIRST market TOMORROW!

Hello, this is Nanae.
Tomorrow, our FIRST charity market is going to be started.
We had a small meeting today about handing out fliers (above), what we bring...
it was a final check for tomorrow.

We would hand fliers out at the different place near from Brick Lane.
Looking forward to that a lot of people come to our place.

TOMORROW  11am to 6pm
The Backyard Market Brick Lane
Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=ja&biw=989&bih=647&q=backyard%20market&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

See you there!

ついに明日、第一回目のSMILE JAPANのマーケットが始まります。

明日はマーケット以外の場所、Brick Lane近辺でスタッフがチラシ配りを行います。多くの方々が私たちのマーケットに足を運んでくださるのを楽しみにしています。

明日 午前11時から午後6時
The Backyard Market Brick Lane



It's now ready!

Our sympathies are with the land disaster by 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

Hello everybody,

Now we're planing charity market SMILE JAPAN!
This was organised by Kazu, Nanae, and Yuki who are London-based Japanese illustrators.
I'm happy to show this website and we let you know what's happening for our event.

Hope see you at the Backyard Market :)


チャリティー企画SMILE JAPANはロンドン在住イラストレーター
まずはBrick LaneにあるBackyard Marketにてたくさんの方にお会いできるのを楽しみにしています^^



Our sympathies are with the land disaster by 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami which was happened on 11th March in 2011.

This page is written in English first and Japanese follows as the activity is based in London UK.
こちらのページではチャリティー委員会SMILE JAPANの活動内容をお知らせ致します。イギリス、ロンドンを拠点に活動していますので、全てのページにおいてまず英語で説明をし、その下に日本語での説明をさせて頂きます。

SMILE JAPAN is a charity committee for 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami relief established by London-based Japanese illustrators Kazuko Morishita, Nanae Kawahara, and Yuki Nishimura on 15th March in 2011. Thinking of what we can do as artists outside of Japan, our aim has met to raise the donation by selling affordable art works and occasionally second-hand stuff at London's popular markets. We start from here, and expect to involve more and more artists in the future who have the charity spirit for Japan. SMILE JAPAN wish to become one of the bridges between those who suffered in Japan and those who want to help them from abroad. We believe art can do that.

We would like to call for entries to any artists who can donate their art works such as post cards, crafts etc. to our little stall. Please do not hesitate to contact one of the organisers below when you think of being a contributer. 
We really appreciate to many artists who provided their art works for us. We now stop accepting works for a while by we still have a lot of works. We would sometimes ask the cooperation in order to raise funds. Thank you very much.

SMILE JAPAN organisers:
Kazuko Morishita  http://www.kazukomorishita.com/
Nanae Kawahara  http://www.barbaratics.com/
Yuki Nishimura      http://yukinishimura.com/

The total amount of money raised through our sales will be announced in this blog and will be donated to the most trustful organization after our careful research. We would like to inform you about those details as soon as possible.



SMILE JAPANは東北関東大震災のためのチャリティー実行委員会です。ロンドン在住日本人イラストレーター森下和子、河原奈苗、西村夕貴によって2011年3 月15日に結成されました。海外にいるアーティストとして日本のためにできることを考えた末、ロンドンのマーケットにてアート作品や中古製品などを手頃な 価格で販売し、義援金を募ることに思い至りました。アートが盛んに売り買いされるこの国ならではのできること。これからも更に多くのアーティストたちに呼 びかけ、活動を広げて行きたいと考えています。SMILE JAPANは、日本で苦しむ人々と、その方たちを助けたいという国外からの思いとを結ぶ、ちいさな架け橋になれたらと願います。そしてアートなら、それが できると信じています。

皆様、作品の寄付をありがとうございました。 これまでSMILE JAPANでは本当にたくさんのアーティストの方々から多くの作品を寄付させて頂きましたが、まだ売り切れていないものも沢山あるため、しばらくの間作品の募集をお休みさせて頂きます。またこれから、募金活動をしていく上で皆様のご協力をお願いすることもあると思います。その時はどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

SMILE JAPAN 実行委員会代表メンバー:
森下和子 http://www.kazukomorishita.com/
河原奈苗 http://www.barbaratics.com/
西村夕貴 http://yukinishimura.com/

活動を通して得られた金額は全てこちらのブログでお知らせいたします。また義援金先についても慎重に考慮した上で決定し、追ってこちらでご報告致します。これからもSMILE JAPANを、どうぞよろしくお願いします。

The FIRST Charity Market


Saturday 26th March 2011
11am to 6pm
at the Backyard Market Brick Lane
Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=ja&biw=989&bih=647&q=backyard%20market&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

We're going to sell our old stuff like post card/greeting card, printed art work etc which we made for a long time ago, and agreed to put them at our stall as it wasn't enough to prepare special goods for this. We're thinking to make goods that will be used a character SMILE-chan of SMILE JAPAN's logo!

We're looking forward to seeing you and you would enjoy our works.


第一回SMILE JAPANチャリティーマーケットは

The Backyard Market Brick Lane


SMILE JAPANのロゴに使われている通称スマイルちゃんを使ったチャリティーグッズの制作も考えています!
