
Each of us experienced some art stalls to sell own work but it was the first time for 3 of us to set up a charity stall like this. It was only one week preparation, and it has been very intense... we had been discussed almost every day. Lots of work have done so first because of the each member's hard work... making logo, setting up blog, facebook, e-mailing, making and giving away fliers, a sign board etc etc etc..

Actually, the result was more than we expected.. Many people were interested in what we tried to do and they stopped by our stall. More than 100 cards and prints were sold in total, also some people just left us extra money for the donation. Many artists came along with their lovely work as well. We were impressed many people shows their respect for this project, and at the same time, we appreciated their warm heart...

Our contributors' name will be on the list with the link to their website.
Also we will continue the SMILE JAPAN project. If anyone who wants to donate original artwork (cards, prints, hand-made goods etc) in future, please contact us!
Thank you very much!!
(Written by Kazu レポート:森下和子)